Billerica Truth

How Middlesex District Attorney and Billerica Police Officers covered-up fraud and destroyed my pristine reputation
Middlesex District Attorney Marian T. Ryan

Middlesex District Attorney Marian T. Ryan

Billerica Police Chief Roy W Frost

Billerica Police Chief Roy W Frost

Billerica Police Deputy Chief Gerald Roche

Billerica Police Deputy Chief Gerald Roche

Billerica Police Officer Justin Guanci

Billerica Police Officer Justin Guanci

Website Mission Statement:

To clear my reputation from slanderous and baseless accusations by Billerica Police Officers and Middlesex District Attorney


Overview of Facts:

  1. Until now, I had no Criminal Record.
  2. Thief stole ~$400 of items from our Billerica Storage Unit. But the Manager refused to investigate. Then someone vandalized our car on Billerica Storage parking lot ($250+ repairs).
  3. Billerica Police Officer Justin Guanci covered-up theft and vandalism at our Billerica Storage Unit.
  4. I filed a complaint against Officer Guanci to Billerica Police Chief Roy W. Frost and Deputy Chief Gerald Roche.
  5. Officer Justin Guanci retaliated and initiated a Criminal Case against me: "Extortion by False Report of Crime"
  6. I never extorted anyone. I simply asked Billerica Police and Storage Facility to investigate theft & vandalism.
  7. On this fraudulent Criminal Case, I was ready to proceed to Jury Trial. But Middlesex District Attorney Marian T. Ryan refused to prosecute. She did not allow me to prove my innocence in the Court of Law.
  8. Lowell District Court Judge denied my request to expunge (delete) this case from my record.
  9. Now I have a Criminal Record. I must specify this whenever I apply for employment, bank loan, etc. Some IT companies refused to hire me because of this Criminal Case.
  10. Billerica Police and District Attorney claim that I violated the law. But why did they refuse to go to Trial? And why did the Judge deny my request to delete this fraudulent case from my record?

Detailed Facts:

Dear Readers. My name is Edward. I am a Law-Abiding U.S. Citizen. I was originally born in Kyiv, Ukraine. I have Excellent Credit Scores. Prior to this case, I had no Criminal Record.

Billerica Police Mission Statement:

"This department will uphold the laws and principles of the United States Constitution and the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to its utmost ability. Every member of the Billerica Police Department will be expected to act with respect, sensitivity, personal discipline and reliability while following the department's mission. Each officer is expected to understand his or her responsibility to the Police Department, other Town agencies and to its citizens and will act with the highest degree of integrity and professionalism."

Let us review how Billerica Police Officers treated us.

November 2021: My Mother and I were planning to purchase a house. We placed many of our belongings in boxes inside Billerica Storage Unit. We secured the Storage Unit with cylinder lock and two padlocks. All boxes were labeled with a unique identification number and contents cataloged in a searchable computer database.

Items stolen from our Storage Unit

April 15th, 2022: We discovered $180+ of women's clothes were stolen from our Billerica Storage Unit. But the Facility Manager refused to investigate and accused us of lying. She claimed our items could not have been stolen because the locks were not broken. She said our Insurance Claim will be denied. As a result, I did not bother with an Insurance Claim. I am convinced that a professional thief can discreetly open locks without breaking them.

According to the Storage Facility Manager there are 900+ Storage Units in the building. There are dozens of surveillance cameras in the main garage where customers park their cars. But there are no surveillance cameras in the hallways. The Facility Manager refused to install a surveillance camera in the hallway where our unit is located.

On May 19, 2022 I filed an Incident Report with Billerica Police. Later, we discovered additional items were stolen. Total Loss: $395

Our car vandalized at Storage Facility Parking Lot

May 15, 2022 ~5:00 PM: I parked our Mazda SUV near the Storage Facility main entrance. At ~8:20 PM I approached the car and noticed someone broke the car mirror. I called Billerica Police. The Officer collected the information. She said there's some "emergency" and all Officers were busy. The Officer advised me to take photographs and file an Online Incident Report. See EXHIBIT A.


Our car vandalized (broken mirror) at Storage Facility Parking Lot

Later that evening, I emailed photos to Storage Facility Manager and asked her to provide me a copy of the surveillance video. I was planning to share this video evidence with Billerica Police. But Storage Facility Manager did not respond.

May 18, 2022: I contacted local auto repair shops. They said it would cost $250+ to repair the mirror. I emailed Storage Facility Manager again asking for a copy of the surveillance video. Storage Facility Manager responded: "I have the camera footage" but then provided her Legal Department's response:

"We would not give the footage directly to the tenant because we do not want the tenant to try to resolve the issue. Instead we want the police to investigate."

Legal Department
(Storage Facility)

May 19, 2022: I filed an Incident Report with Billerica Police.

Billerica Police Officer Justin Guanci
Officer Justin Guanci

May 20, 2022: Billerica Police Officer Justin Guanci called me. During 15 minute call, Office Guanci was aggressive and hostile against me. He was acting as Storage Facility Manager's Personal Legal Counsel. Officer Guanci constantly interrupted and accused me of lying.

Finally, Officer Justin Guanci said: "I will review the security video. I will make a note that I spoke with you and Storage Facility Manager. Then I will close this case."

Billerica Police Chief Roy W. Frost

Chief Roy W. Frost

Billerica Police Deputy Chief Gerald Roche

Deputy Chief Gerald Roche

I filed a complaint against Officer Justin Guaunci for covering up of theft & vandalism to Billerica Police Chief Roy W. Frost and Deputy Chief Gerald Roche. But nothing changed. To this day, Billerica Police Officers have not provided me a copy of the Storage Facility surveillance video.

May 21, 2022: I wrote a letter to the President and CEO of the Storage Facility describing how their Manager covered-up theft & vandalism. But nothing changed.

May 29, 2022: We realized that Billerica Police and Storage Facility Corporation refuse to help us. Now thieves will become more brazen and steal other belongings. We decided to create a personal website (facts only) describing how Storage Facility Manager covered-up theft and vandalism. Our statements are protected by freedom of speech (First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution).

May 31, 2022: Billerica Police Officer Justin Guanci called me and threatened that I was "committing a crime" and will be "arrested soon."

I asked Officer Guanci what crime he was referring to. The Officer responded that I was "extorting" Storage Facility Manager. I said: "I am not extorting anyone. Our items were stolen and our car was vandalized. The thieves and vandals were never apprehended. Now the criminals will become brazen and steal more of our belongings. The website is to publicize our suffering (facts only). If you want, go ahead and arrest me. I will defend myself in Court. I did nothing wrong. We are the victims here."

June 3, 2022: I received "Cease and Desist" Letter from Storage Facility Legal Counsel demanding that I shut down the website or he will "financially ruin" me. We were busy shopping for a house and did not want to waste time on frivolous lawsuits. What was the point? To expose criminal thieves operating with impunity at this Storage Facility? No thanks. I immediately closed our website (active for only 6 days). Per advice of a retired investigator, we installed a security seal on the Storage Unit Door. After this, nothing was stolen from our Storage Unit. See EXHIBIT B.


Storage Unit Door Seal

July 7, 2022: We purchased a house 60 miles away in Worcester, MA. I updated our address at Massachusetts RMV (Registry of Motor Vehicles).

July 19, 2022: I removed all of our belongings from the Storage Unit. I emailed the Storage Facility Manager that we cleaned the unit and move-out is complete. We prepaid rent for 6 months, but occupied only 5 of those months. I asked the Facility Manager to refund the unused 1 month.

July 20, 2022: Storage Facility Manager responded via email: "Thank you for your business." See EXHIBIT C.


Email from Storage Facility Manager

Later that afternoon (53 days after alleged offense), Officer Guanci filed his Criminal Case against me: Extortion by False Report of Crime per MGL c265 ยง25. Officer Guanci mailed the Summons to my old (invalid) address. For some reason, Officer Guanci did not access the Massachusetts RMV database to obtain my new address.

Officer Justin Guanci committed fraud when he made service of this Criminal Case to my USPS Mailbox. I told Officer Guanci that we bought a house in Worcester, MA (60 miles away). According to Massachusetts Rules of Criminal Procedures, service of the Court Summons must be made on the Defendant's "last and usual place of abode", a unique location where the person actually and permanently lives at the time service made. USPS mailbox is not considered the "last and usual place of abode" because the Defendant does not live there. If the Defendant was not residing at the address to which service was delivered, service of process is improper under the "last and usual place of abode" method. U.S. v. Tobins, 483 F.Supp.2d 68 (D. Mass. 2007), summarizing Massachusetts case law. According to Billerica Police internal documents, Deputy Chief Gerald Roche reviewed and approved this case.

August 19, 2022: Due to US Mail delays, I received the Court Summons after August 16, 2022 Court Arraignment. I learned that a warrant for my arrest was already issued. I immediately visited the Worcester District Court House. The Presiding Judge removed the warrant for my arrest and released me on recognizance.

September 20, 2022: I filed a detailed Motion to Dismiss Complaint for Insufficient Evidence.

October 5, 2022: Middlesex District Attorney Marian T. Ryan refused to prosecute. She did not allow me to prove my innocence in the Court of Law. Officially, case was closed.

October 18, 2022: Lowell District Court Judge refused to expunge (delete) this case from my record. I do not know the Judge's name who covered-up this case. Please see their scribbled signature below. Massachusetts Criminal Attorney told me it could be First Justice John F. Coffey. But the Court Clerk will not pick up the phone or answer my emails to confirm. How bizarre is that?


Petition for Expungement Denied by Lowell District Court First Justice John F. Coffey

Massachusetts Criminal Attorney told me: "District Attorney realized she has a bad case. She decided to dismiss it without prejudice. But she can always re-file it again. Because the Judge refused to expunge this case, now you have a Criminal Record. You must always specify this when you apply for employment, bank loan, etc."

Now my pristine reputation has been permanently destroyed. I have applied for some IT jobs. But the Clients would not proceed after performing a background check. They said they cannot hire someone who has a Criminal Record for extortion.

October 25, 2022: I wrote to Billerica Police Chief Roy W. Frost:

"Chief Frost,

Before this case, I had pristine background (No Criminal Record).

Officer Justin Guanci retaliated after my complaint against him for covering-up theft & vandalism. Officer Guanci charged me with extortion by false report of crime.

I did not extort anyone. Someone stole ~$400 of clothes from our storage unit. After we complained to the Manager, someone vandalized our car on (Storage Facility) parking lot ($250 repairs). Thieves and vandals were never apprehended. No one reimbursed us for anything.

District Attorney Marian T. Ryan refused to prosecute the case. I was never allowed to prove my innocence in the Court of Law. Judge denied my petition to expunge this Criminal Case.

Please help me to restore my pristine reputation."


Billerica Police Chief Roy W. Frost
Chief Roy W. Frost

"At this point our involvement in the case is over and I cannot give you any additional information. This is the last time I will be responding to questions related to this issue."

Chief Roy W. Frost

I created this website to clear my reputation from slanderous and baseless accusations by Billerica Police Officers and Middlesex District Attorney. The public must know how they permanently ruined my life.

Strange Events

Recently, we discovered that a Law Enforcement agent spreads lies about me. For example, I meet a new mechanic, repairman, sales representative, etc for the first time. They are initially courteous and friendly with me. But next time I see them, they are hostile towards me without reason. I asked several of them: "Why did you change all of the sudden?" They say: "A guy with a badge came by and told me you are under police investigation."

I am surprised by this. I am a law-abiding U.S. Citizen with pristine background. Why do the police need to investigate me? Only one reason: Retaliation.

I show these people my website "Billerica Truth" and they are shocked.

Now this explains the strange events. I believe that some Law Enforcement agency (using tax payers' money) initiated a fake "investigation" about me to monitor my GPS location, phone and internet activity. Their agents walk around and spread lies about me. The goal is to arrest me on a fake crime.

I am not worried. My parents survived from Soviet KGB provocations. Now it is my turn to survive under fake investigation from police.


I am prepared for Billerica Police, Middlesex District Attorney or the someone else to retaliate with new Civil or Criminal Cases against me. I will never back down. The truth is on my side.

If something bad happens to us, you must know we would never commit suicide.

Contact Me:


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